Monday, 3 December 2012


Why should the deliciousness known as a chicken wing be considered a subject of study and is this in any way related to its status as a global commodity? Where on the internet will I be able to find chicken wings? Is there really a fanbase for chicken wings? Is there debates over chicken wings? How was it that the chicken wing was invented, and why is it so popular? What is the mysterious link between chicken wings and buffalo wings? Do buffalo's even have wings?

Step back, prepare yourself, and be amazed at the knowledge that can be gleaned from the CHICKEN WING   

History of the Chicken Wing

What is a chicken wing?

What are the types of chicken wings?

There are only two parts of a chicken wing that people consume- the Drumette (the mini-drumstick) and the Wingette (the flat middle section with the two bones).

How do you eat a chicken wing?

International Status of the Chicken Wing

Chicken wings are no longer restricted to areas where there is easy access to the raw material and resources they are now considered an international commodity!

Why is that? Well there could be numerous reasons to why these tender morsels of deliciousness have garnered global status. Places and people are being influenced by big brand cooperation to buy their products, or certain countries might be in the process of moving into different occupational sectors (away from industrialization and into consumer oriented businesses).

Chicken Wing Adds:

McDonalds Chicken Wing 

KFC Chicken Wing

KFC 'Taste of Ireland' Chicken Wing

McDonalds Chicken Wing

South Korea: 
Hooter's in Seoul 


South Africa:
Chicken Licken 'Monkey on Your Back' Chicken Wing


Boston Pizza Chicken Wing

TUMS Fighting Chicken Wing

International Chicken Wing Festival 

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Chicken Wings and Other Industries

The chicken wing in no longer considered to be a delicious chuck of savoury meat, instead it has become iconic, gaining the ability to move well beyond the realms of cooks books and into other aspect of everyday life.




Chicken Wing Back Tattoo

Chicken Wing Arm Tattoo


Chicken wing necklace
Nicki Minaj wear chicken wing necklace

I Heart Chicken Wings T-shirt


The Great Chicken Wing Hunt

A documentary centered around chicken wings in which 10 strangers scour the northeast United States to find the world's ultimate wing.

Viral Videos:

Chicken Wings and the Internet

The interesting thing about the internet is that you can almost be certain that there is you could search for anything and be pretty much garented to find it hidden amongst all that other data.

Google Search Chicken Wings

The biggest result for chicken wings is recipies. This points out that there is almost a million different types and flavours of wings, all which are being cateloged on the internet and are open sorces for everyone to create, improve or critique. This is an ever expanding data bank garented to keep evolving as long as there are new ways to cook and new ingredents to add.

How To Cook Chicken Wings

Spicy Chicken Wings

Fried Chicken Wings

BBQ Chicken Wings

However, we also see how socail online networking sites have created pages, blogs, and  events dedicated to the beauty that is the chicken wing.

Facebook Page - Chicken Wings are Yummy

Facebook Page - National Chicken Wing Day

Blogspot - Cluckin' Good

Tumblr - Tagged Chicken Wings

Trigger Warning: Chicken Wings

What is a Trigger Warning?

Trigger Warning: are used to alert people when an internet post, book, article, picture, video, audio clip, or some other media could potentially cause extremely negative reactions due to its content. Sometimes abbreviated as "TW" -

The Post that Started a War

This post, which depicted a plate of freshly seasoned chicken wings  in front of a roaring fire marked the beginning of  what was to be called the Vegan Tumblr Riot of 2012. Tumblr, which is internally well known for make personal offenses public, thus drawing in large crowds of opposing views and starting 'wars'. What started as the opinion of a minority of vegans* became a wide scale debate on if something which is usually consituted as not being offensive should be regulated because of a 'few hard core extremists'.

However, the majority of Tumblr bloggers treat it as a joke, insisting that vegans are being pretentious and see it as some sort of faux-social justice movement.

*That picutres of met being posted should be taggeed because some find it offensive to their personal ideologies