What is a Trigger Warning?
Trigger Warning: are used to alert people when an internet post, book, article, picture, video, audio clip, or some other media could potentially cause extremely negative reactions due to its content. Sometimes abbreviated as "TW" - UrbanDictionary.com
The Post that Started a War
This post, which depicted a plate of freshly seasoned chicken wings in front of a roaring fire marked the beginning of what was to be called the Vegan Tumblr Riot of 2012. Tumblr, which is internally well known for make personal offenses public, thus drawing in large crowds of opposing views and starting 'wars'. What started as the opinion of a minority of vegans* became a wide scale debate on if something which is usually consituted as not being offensive should be regulated because of a 'few hard core extremists'.
However, the majority of Tumblr bloggers treat it as a joke, insisting that vegans are being pretentious and see it as some sort of faux-social justice movement.
*That picutres of met being posted should be taggeed because some find it offensive to their personal ideologies
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